
Progressive Taxation

Youth for Tax Justice Network (YTJN) is a continental network of youth promoting participation in creating progressive Tax systems and optimum Natural resources management and Utilization. 

A Prosperous and Engaged Youth who enjoys their social, political, and economic rights in Africa.
To enhance youth participation and beneficiation from domestic revenue mobilization, allocation, and utilization within Africa.
To empower youth through informative, interactive, and knowledge-based avenues to advocate for just and fair tax systems and optimum natural resource management and utilization to attain equitable and sustainable development in Africa.

Youth for Tax Justice Network

The YTJN is a non-profit pan-African youth organization that strives to have youth participation and engagement in influencing the Financing for Development agenda In Africa.

• Transparency
• Accountability
• Equity and Inclusion
• Diversity

We aim for economic justice

YTJN’s impressive work portfolio is structured and implemented through four thematic focus areas:

1. Tax and International Financial Architecture.

2. Tax and Investment.

3. Tax and Natural Resources Governance.

4. Fair and Equitable Taxation.

Tax is key for financial education

Our Team