Implementing the Auditor General’s Recommendations for Fiscal Discipline and Domestic Resource Mobilisation in Uganda

Implementing the Auditor General’s Recommendations for Fiscal Discipline and Domestic Resource Mobilisation in Uganda

Fiscal discipline reduces unsustainable debt levels, freeing resources for investments in sectors like agriculture, tech, and green industries, which are critical for youth employment.

The 6th Southern Africa Youth Forum Harare Declaration

The 6th Southern Africa Youth Forum Harare Declaration

We recognize that the youth of Southern Africa represent an immense reservoir of energy, creativity, and potential that is critical to the continued progress and prosperity of our communities. As present leaders and change-makers of our region, we have a vital role to play in addressing the complex social, political, economic, and environmental challenges that we face. We have a role to complement our governments, the private sector, and all developmental actors to ensure access to quality and affordable education for the SADC child.

A Pan-African Feminist Call For Debt Cancellation In Africa

A Pan-African Feminist Call For Debt Cancellation In Africa

This urgent declaration highlights the disproportionate burden debt places on women and youth, emphasizing the need to examine debt policies through a feminist lens. Recognizing that youth make up most of Africa’s population and reflecting on the AfCoDD IV theme – Africa’s Debt Crisis: Pan Africa Feminist Perspectives and Alternatives, we recognize the critical link between debt, tax and austerity.

YTJN Statement Of Solidarity With Kenyan Youth Against The Finance Bill 2024

YTJN Statement Of Solidarity With Kenyan Youth Against The Finance Bill 2024

The Youth for Tax Justice Networks (YTJN) stands in solidarity with the youth and citizens of Kenya in opposing the Finance Bill 2024. This bill threatens to undermine the principles of pro-poor sustainable development, democracy, and free enterprise essential for reducing poverty and creating opportunities for all.